Why Eating Carbs Will Help You Lose Weight

If you think cutting out all carbs is the way to go for weight loss, you’re wrong. In fact, strategically using carbs to fuel your body will improve your overall metabolism and keep your hormones functioning optimally. This is why the FASTer Way to Fat Loss® is NOT a low carb diet. While we do have a few low carb days in our food cycle, FASTer Way clients love our Regular Macro Days.

What is carb cycling?

Carb cycling is an alternating cycle of carbohydrate intake, designed to prevent fat loss plateaus and keep your metabolism working effectively. Essentially, it’s a cycle between Low Carb Days and Regular Carb Days to ensure that your body burns fat effectively without causing significant hormonal damage or dips in energy.  

How does carb cycling work in the FASTer Way?

As part of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss®, we strategically pair our workouts with carb intake. This turns you into a fat burner rather than a sugar burner, and provides you with enough fuel to keep your energy levels up for tough strength training workouts. We manipulate our carbs to ensure optimal energy levels, while effectively using our glycogen stores to stabilize hormone levels.

Who is carb cycling best suited for?

Almost everyone...that is, everyone who likes to eat! If you want the benefits of a low-carb lifestyle while enjoying your favorite high-carb treats, then carb cycling is for you. If you’ve been eating clean and exercising but you’ve hit a weight loss plateau, then carb cycling will get you back on track. If you’re interested in changing your overall body composition and having enough energy to make it through the day, then carb cycling will get you leaner than ever before. If you’re having trouble sleeping, and you’re storing fat in your midsection... carb cycling is definitely for you. If you are a total newbie to eating healthy, live a completely sedentary life and are just beginning your health and fitness journey, then practice carb cycling under the guidance of an experienced coach.

What are the benefits of carb cycling?

There are so many benefits of carb cycling, but these are the ones FASTer Way clients most regularly rave about:

  • Fat loss, as opposed to overall weight loss… carb cycling clients see actual body composition changes

  • Increased energy levels

  • Better sleep

  • Improved moods

  • A flexible, enjoyable lifestyle

  • A nutritional strategy that isn’t too overwhelming or stressful. One that allows you to eat out and enjoy your lifestyle while continuing to see progress toward your goals.

Don’t Carb Cycle on Your Own...Here’s Why

  • You need to effectively pair your carb cycle with your workouts to see the best results.

  • If you cut your carbs too low on Low Carb Day, your body will actually start holding on to the carbs you eat. It’s important that you set your Low Carb Day goals correctly, so you see maximum results.

  • Carb cycling, with a foundation of “If It Fits Your Macros” (IIFYM) and Intermittent Fasting will undoubtedly get you the best results. Ensuring that your carb cycle is based on whole foods (with a few treats here and there) will keep you lean, strong and energized!

Carb cycling is a cutting-edge strategy that will undoubtedly get you results. The benefits in terms of health are remarkable and the lifestyle benefits make it a sustainable life strategy.

If you’re ready to finally turn your body into a fat burner and start shedding those lingering pounds, then the FASTer Way to Fat Loss® is exactly what you need. There’s no better program on the market to help you get lean, fit and in shape. Thousands and thousands of FASTer Way clients have made complete lifestyle changes that have resulted in significant weight loss, increased energy, and greater health. You’ll finally feel confident in your own skin. You’ll finally wake up each day full of energy. You’ll finally feel comfortable in your clothes. We fill up fast, so join today before slots are full!

Amanda Tress